Recommend a Friend Offer

balayage experts in peckham, south east londonShow your friends how much you care by recommending them to DKUK!

Recommend a friend, partner, workmate or relative as a NEW client to DKUK and we'll treat you both to £20 each off your haircut!

That's a total saving of £40!

To claim the offer, your friend must mention RECOMMEND A FRIEND OFFER and your name when booking! Once they have visited the salon with their email voucher, we will record a £20 discount off your next visit.

How it works:

1. Enter your name & email
2. You forward to your friend the Discount Voucher email that they take to the salon and get a £20 discount off their first visit.
3. That email is recorded in that salon ready for your £20 discount off your next bill.

Thank you for sharing the love! 

Please note that this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

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Terms and conditions

New client will receive £20 off their first hair cut & finish service
Offer subject to availability with selected stylists
Must mention offer when booking
The person who has recommended us will receive £20 off their bill once the new client has visited.
Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers
Offer is non-transferable
Cannot be exchanged for cash
The manager's decision is final